Community Events
All Community Events are FREE and Open To The Public

The Urban Art Gallery is a proud member of the Philadelphia community and we truly appreciate all the love and support we've received since we opened our doors in 2013.
To show our appreciation, we will often hold FREE entertainment events for the community simply to say THANK YOU. We also partner with organizations and individuals to host give-back events.
The Urban Art Gallery is a 501(c)(3) organization so we humbly accept donations as a way to do more for the Philadelphia community.
If you would like to partner with us to host a community event, please email Karl: KM@Urban-ArtGallery.com
NOTE: Our Community Events are subject to change based on partner availability. To stay up-to-date please subscribe to our Community Events email list.
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Community Events

Holiday Block Parties
On special holidays we've been known to bring out the grill and invite artists to perform live for the viewing public. And we have outdoor heaters so these events aren't limited to Summer.
Caribbean Creatives
An annual evening of art, culture and cocktails at Urban Art Gallery celebrating Caribbean Art. A visual, culinary and musical experience.

Christmas Toy Drive
During the Christmas and Season, we partner with local organizations to gather as many toys and clothes as possible to giveaway to the less fortunate. And we have fun doing it.